Animal Sculptures
I enjoy sculpting and so decided to promote Lincolnshire's rare breeds, namely Lincolnshire Longwool Sheep, Lincoln Red cattle and Lincolnshire Buff poultry. I will often experiment modelling the same subject matter in different ways including basic pottery methods of coiling and using slabs. I try to give a likeness or resemblance to the subject I'm modelling as opposed to an exact or life-like copy whilst maintaining texture and a hand-made feel in all of my work, often choosing to keep to just clay body colour and mixing slips as opposed to choosing glossy glazes as I prefer this.
I've chosen to share my making stages below so people can see what work goes into each piece. Modeling animals with 4 legs is always a challenge and often time as to be taken between steps for the clay to dry out and firm up otherwise the weight of the animal cannot be supported and even then it can slump whilst drying or when it is fired.
I am a firm believer that there is no right and wrong way and like to play around with different techniques every time I make things.
I've also sculpted family member's pets and enjoy a challenge so if you're interested in commissioning a piece based on your pet please get in touch with photos. Modelling typically takes 1-2 days and I'm limited to approx 30cm maximum width (before firing) due to kiln constraints, with further days to allow for drying before firing 1-2 times depending upon what is required.
#Lincolnshirelongwool #ceramicpets #Lincolnred #Lincolnshire #sheepsculpture #Lincolnshirebuff #ceramicanimals #contemporaryceramics #crafts #lincolnuk #clay
Lincolnshire Buff Hen 2
Materials: Terracotta clay
Dimensions: H240 x W300 D200 mm
Weight: 2.85kg
Date: June - July 2021
Photo: © 2021 Daniel Rollitt
Lincolnshire Buff Hen 1
Materials: Terracotta clay
Dimensions: H280 x W280 x D200 mm
Weight: 3 kg
Date: June - July 2021
Photo: © 2021 Daniel Rollitt
West Highland White Terrier
(often this dog is not so white)
Materials: Stoneware clay
Dimensions: H360 x W250 x D200 mm
Weight: 4 kg
Date: June - July 2021
Photo: © 2021 Daniel Rollitt
Lincolnshire Longwool Sheep
Materials: Stoneware
Dimensions: H100 x W180 x D100 mm
Weight: 0.56 kg
Date: June - July 2021
Photo: © 2021 Daniel Rollitt
I may apply a tin-glaze to this as the stoneware is a peachy colour rather than white.
I will remodel this using coils but I wanted to see what this method would look like.
Lincoln Red Bull
Materials: Terracotta
Dimensions: H200 x W330 (to tail) D100 mm
Weight: 1.5 kg
Date: June - July 2021
Photo: © 2021 Daniel Rollitt
Lincoln Red Cow
Materials: Terracotta
Dimensions: H170 x W250 x D100 mm
Weight: 1.5 kg
Date: June - July 2021
Photo: © 2021 Daniel Rollitt